QuoLuxTM b-corp

Good Dividends Audit

Outperform the market

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6 Good Dividends Graphic

Good Dividends is a new model of business that links creating business value with generating positive social impact in communities and the wider society through purpose-led leadership.

More than ever, businesses need a model for growth and value creation that can drive change, withstand the test of crises, and deliver long-term results for all stakeholders in a fragmented and fast-moving world.  

The core idea of the Good Dividends is that all businesses can develop6 areas of value.  

  • People
  • Innovation
  • Operations
  • Finance / Profit
  • Reputation-Brand
  • Planet-Community 

When all 6 are connected, a circle of value is created and Good Dividends are realised.  

Research shows that businesses that do this outperform the market. 

The Good Dividends Audit helps you to understand competencies within your business needed to realise Good Dividends, score your progress and give you a benchmark to improve.


To access the tool click here

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