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Developing middle and junior managers

LEADlight is a six-month program for ‘middle leaders’ – those managers below the Board and senior management team – to help them to develop their skills and awareness; to improve their performance and get better results from their teams; and to prepare themselves for senior management responsibilities.

Download the LEADlight eBrochure at the bottom of the page.

The benefits of LEADlight to delegates include:

Developing a clear understanding of what makes an effective leader and an increased awareness of their own leadership style and its impact on others


Increased confidence in leading, delegating and influencing change


Learning numerous new tools, techniques and approaches to use in the workplace


Developing the ability to work collaboratively through mutual support, feedback and awareness of group dynamics


Being part of a group of peers from other organisations and sectors generating fresh thinking and new ideas from different perspectives


Accessing a network of trusted peers who support and seek advice from each other


Developing awareness that their issues are not unique to them and their organisations, and that other businesses face the same or similar issues

The benefits of LEADlight to the company include:

More self-aware, self-confident and reflective middle leaders


Greater organisational and team performance


Middle leaders developed to take up senior management positions


Improve retention and development of the most talented leaders


Support for senior leaders in building an empowered, high-performing organisation


Middle leaders skilled in delivering the business’ strategic and operational plans


Experience of working on a leadership project that addresses a strategic issue within the business

What Our Clients Say

Some Clients Who Attended LEADlight

Leadlight ALS 1

Ready to join LEADlight?

If you are interested in joining LEADlight, or developing your managers, get in touch below and we'll share how you and your business could benefit.


Get in touch


Download the LEADlight brochure

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